gauge documentation

gauge is a small widget to use with displayio capable boards.

gauge is to be used with CircuitPython as some of the behind the curtains methods are in the CircuitPython core and could differ from MicroPython or Python

Quick Start

A small tour around gauge.

Gauge Usage

We start importing some fundamental libraries for gauge to operate

import board
import displayio
from gauge import gauge

For reference, screen in CircuitPython are defined from left to right and up to bottom. This means that our (x=0, y=0) will be in the left upper corner of the screen. For boards or feather with a integrated screen the following statement will initiate the screen

display = board.DISPLAY

For other displays please consult the right support library

my_gauge = gauge(0, 0, 28, 50)

The position and the size of the gauge area could vary. This allows us to have more than 1 gauge at the same time in the screen. Every one of them with different characteristics or graphs.

Size and Location

Options available are:
  • x, y : coordinates in the display to locate the gauge.

  • width: width of the plot area

  • height: height of the plot area


scale_range allows you to select the gauge range. The gauge library will automatically calculate the correct spacing according to the gauge dimensions given.

my_gauge = gauge(0, 0, 28, 50, scale_range=[0, 120])

scale range argument take a list of ints as input. In the code above, 0 will be the lower limit and 120 the upper limit. There are no special verifications in the library for wrong ranges, so the user is responsible to put the right numbers.

Gauge Box

The gauge has some parameters that can be change:

  • box_color: changes the color of the box

  • background_color: changes the box background color

my_gauge = gauge(0, 0, 28, 50, box_color=0x00FF00, background_color=0xFF00FF)


Ticks are easily customisable. you ahve the following options

  • ticks: if needed, you could use your own ticks to display. If this value is not given, tha library will calculate this for you.

  • tick_position: tick position in the box. Ticks could be left, center or from left to right

  • tick_lenght: tick length. This option is only avalaible for tick_position left and center

  • tick_color: tick color

my_gauge = gauge(0, 0, 28, 50, ticks=[10, 25, 75, 90], tick_pos="left", tick_lenght=10, tick_color=0x440044)


Is easy to use text in your gauges. The library uses the bitmap_label to save memory. And it is onnly loaded if the option to show text is selected.

  • Show text: allows to show tick text in the gauge

  • text_format: indicates to the library if the numbers are to be shown as integers or floats. Integer is the default behaviour.

my_gauge = gauge(0, 0, 28, 50, show_text=True, text_format="float")

Other Parameters

  • pointer_lenght: width of the central bar.

  • scale: scale of the gauge.

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